How Small Businesses Can Use Word-of-Mouth to Stand Out from the Competition
Ask people what’s different about shopping at a local business versus a large chain, and they’ll probably tell you something like: “The...
10 Tips for Great Speeches
10 Tips For Giving A Great Speech Anybody can learn to give a great speech. The best speakers include a clear, relevant message and a few...
Sitting vs. Standing at Work
Over the last few years, doctors have called sitting “the new smoking.” Studies have identified excessive sitting as a risk factor for...
IBM to offer iPads and iPhones for business users
By: Marina Lopes WASHINGTON (Reuters) - International Business Machines Corp will partner exclusively with Apple Inc to sell iPhones and...
Knowing Your Website’s Knowledge Gap
If your company’s website isn’t meeting conversion-rate projections, the obvious, most likely culprit is the site’s user interface...